U.S. officials said that the Ministry of Defense oversees plans aim to protect American military trainers and other personnel in Iraq .

Officials noted that it will send hundreds of Americans to Iraq to help the Iraqi Air Force to deal with Apache attacking helicopters type AH-64.

The Pentagon has approved some period ago on a contract worth 623.3 million dollars to provide security and other services for American employees during the period of their work in Iraq , which is the contract that was awarded to “KS International” company " in order to conduct operations in one of the basis of the Iraqi Air Force .

In this context, reported "World Tribune ," U.S. newspaper quoting officials as saying that this contract will pave the way for the arrival of 6 Apaches type AH-64 during 2014 .

They said that the air base , which gets American attention , is expected to receive about 36 multirole fighter aircraft F- - 16 , previously requested by the Iraqi government .

Despite the lack of details , which have been published or announced about this new contract , but that the Pentagon has made it clear in this context that the contract will continue until January 2017 , pointing out that it was the result of the process of acquiring a single source , and that this requirement is for foreign military sales by 100 % in relation to the Iraqi government .