department at the University of Mustansiriya, Mohammed Bedaiwi al-Shammari in Jadriya area in central Baghdad.

The Deputy spokesman of the State Department, Marie Harff said in a press statement briefed by " Shafaq News " , "We are strongly concerned about the circumstances surrounding his death and we called the Iraqi government to conduct a thorough investigation on the incident and the arrest of defendants and hold them accountable ."

She stressed that killing any innocent is a disapproving action but killing the journalist is an insult because it hits a key pillar of the democracy foundations.

She explained that the issue now is under the authority of Iraqi judiciary , calling the Iraqi government to ensure that the investigation would go along in accordance with the Constitution and the laws of Iraq .

She emphasized that the United States has a “strong and continuing partnership with the Iraqi government."

Bedaiwi , a journalist and university professor who runs the Office of American Free Iraq Radio in Baghdad was killed on Saturday in unclear circumstances by a Kurdish officer in the presidential regiment in Jadriya fortified area in Baghdad.

In an unprecedented reaction, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki attended personally by to the place of the incident where Bedaiwi was killed and vowed within tribal custom that " blood for blood " .

Some political parties considered Maliki's comments that they are included within the electoral propaganda and he began marketing himself through raising nationalism and sectarian hatreds to gain the largest possible number of votes.