According to press reports , the United States handed over Iraq , missiles and drones to assist the Iraqi security forces to fight al-Qaeda .

Department of State spokeswoman , Marie Harff said in a statement obtained by “ Shafaq News " ,that “America is closely following the situation in Iraq after days of control of Islamic state in Iraq on some areas of Anbar province and Fallujah city “.

Harff condemned “Daash brutality " in Iraq, saying that " the whole world can see that the brutality of what they are doing against civilians in Ramadi and Fallujah ."

She added that “we will stay in touch with all the Iraqi officials to see how we can help them to victory over our common enemies ."

Combat troops backed by air support are waging since days , large-scale military operation in the desert areas of Anbar, an extension of the Jordanian and Syrian border against the strongholds of the organization after the death of a number of military commanders.

Anbar province is witnessing tensed security and political conditions after the Iraqi forces have implemented an expanded military campaign to hunt down al Qaeda fighters in the deserts , followed by the arrest of MP Ahmed al-Alwani, Anbar and lift the tents of the protesters.