Casey went back to his years as a military leader in Iraq between 2004 -2007 , to say in a speech at a conference in U.S. Arizona to support People's Mujahedin of Iran Camp " Liberty " in Iraq , and said that " he saw directly and closely how Iranians work and how active as a destabilizing force in the region. "

Casey revealed that six members of Qods Force were arrested as they were in meeting with Shiite militias for Badr Brigade, weapons and accurate record of all the weapons and equipment that they have received were also found .

“There was a map of Baghdad that has been marked with colors and there were signs of a plan to displace the Sunnis and Christians in some parts of Baghdad and occupy it by militias.”

He added " When I went to Iraq in the summer of 2004, I knew that the Iranian regime would be the main player , especially in the border with Iraq."

In the details of his speech , Gen. George Casey announced the U.S. commitment to protect the members of People's Mujahedin of Iran.

Casey explained how the Iranian regime penetrated in Iraq , saying that, " The Iranian regime was supported by political parties with money and provided financial aid for the southern section in Iraq , trained and equipped terrorist organizations ."

With regard to the involvement of Iran's Qods Force in Iraq , Gen. George Casey, explained that " after one month in Iraq, we discovered the existence of signs of a close link between the Revolutionary Guard Corps and the militias in Iraq."

Among the strong evidence " we found on the ground on the fingerprint component of al- Qods Force , where he transferred Najaf events directly via telephone to the headquarters of Quds Force in Iran, and this is what raised the ire of the American general, as he said.

More than that , there are the stronger evidence of involvement of Iran's Qods Force , in bombings by using Iranian weapons , as happened in the bombing Al-Askariyeen shrines in Samarra north of Iraq in February 2006 .

In the context of his speech , Gen. George Casey , said that " before the Iraqi Prime Minister , Nuri al- Maliki hold his first meeting with the Iranian foreign minister , days after he took office, me and intelligence officer who was working under my command informed the prime minister of what is happening in the country of explosive devices , weapons, training camps and on the presence Quds Force . , and when I finished my talk ,al-Maliki looked at me and asked, " Do they commit terrorist acts in our country ? I answered : Yes . They commit these acts and this should be stopped. "

U.S. General continued his field observations on Iranian infiltration in Iraq , saying, " all these facts of the methods of the Iranian regime engraved in my mind and this was clear like crystal . These methods is that the Iranian regime had continued and continues to use terrorism to achieve its political objectives , and this is well known now , as the Iranian regime had trained and equipped Iraqi militias as a key factor to keep in sectarian violence in Iraq from 2006 to 2008 and still continues to this day. as I said earlier , they are working the same thing in Syria and Lebanon. "

He held the speaker of the Iranian regime responsibility for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of coalition forces and Iraqi citizens , for this " they deserve the accusation of a state that sponsors terrorism

American General concluded by saying , " I believe that the Iranian regime is a system that pose a threat with nuclear weapons that are unacceptable not only for the region , but on the whole international community."

It is known that the statements of U.S. leaders , especially politicians have eased towards Iran after the agreement on Tehran's nuclear program , but Casey’s statements revives severe exchange of accusations between officials of both countries , specifically with regard to the Iraqi file . Where each party holds the other responsible for the deterioration of the security file in Iraq .