, a share of the Kuwait Oil for Egyptian recognition that Kuwait is a part of Iraq .

The Iraqi army had launched an attack on Kuwait in 2 August 1990 as the military operation took two days and ended with the seizure of Iraqi forces on the entire territory of Kuwait on 4 August, then the Iraqi government announced on 9 August of 1990, annexation of Kuwait to Iraq and the abolition of all International embassies in Kuwait , along with the Declaration of Kuwait as the province number 19 of Iraq and changing the names of streets and facilities , including changing the name of the Kuwaiti capital .

Abu al- Gheith said in a press statement seen by “Shafaq News “, that " the former Iraqi regime led by President Saddam Hussein had offered Egypt , an oil share in exchange for its recognition of Kuwait as a part of Iraq."

"We offered a deal on Egypt during an interview in private the next day of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait netween Egyptian foreign minister at that time , Esmat Abdel Mejid and Saadoun Hammadi , Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Iraq on the sidelines of the meeting of foreign ministers of Islamic countries , which had been held in Cairo in 1990 , where Hammadi tried to tempt Egypt with a share of Kuwait Oil if approved the annexation of Kuwait to Iraq. "

Abu al- Gheith pointed out that the meeting was sharp between the foreign ministers of Egypt and Iraq after the rejection of the Egyptian side on the deal , where he said that, " Saadoun Hammadi threatened after the rejection of the Egyptian on the deal , when he said .. We will not agree to withdraw and who will face us will lose a lot and will cut off the hands of anyone trying to take Kuwait fromus ".

Abu al- Gheith said, " Dr. Esmat responded sharply and told him .. I'm afraid that Iraq’s hand will be cut off.”

It is worth mentioning that the coalition forces consisting of 34 countries led by the United States had launched Desert Storm Operation or the war to liberate Kuwait against Iraq in 17 January to 28 February of 1991 after taking permission from the United Nations to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation.