Shafaq News/ The Prime Minister's Office denied on Thursday an article in Foreign Policy magazine and Al-Hurra TV about the relationship between the manager of the office, Mohammed al-Hashemi, "Abu Jihad" and the demonstrators.

 "The author's claim that the manager of the Prime Minister's office played a role in the events that accompanied the demonstrations is untrue," the office said in a statement.

"The date referred to by the author of the article, which is the 3rd of October, which is a proof that his information is fabricated and false because the manager of this office was assigned outside Iraq on a government mission in Saudi Arabia and in the United Kingdom, and began his work only on the 6th of the same month."

Al-Hurra American TV quoted media and activists as saying that al-Hashemi had a key role in suppressing demonstrators because of being close to the decision-making center in Baghdad.

The manager of the office of Iraqi Prime Minister ,Adel Abdul Mahdi have the post of a ministerial post degree under Iraqi law, with broad powers.

Al-Hashemi belongs to the Supreme Islamic Council, which was founded in Tehran in the eighties of the last century, and was affiliated to al- Badr Brigade, the military wing of the Council, which later turned into a political party under the name of Badr Organization.

According to American Policy magazine, appointing al-Hashemi as manager of Abdul Mahdi’s office gave the militias in Iraq great momentum, and established its domination within the Iraqi government as a strong ally of Abu Mahdi al-Mohandes, the leader of the Hezbollah Brigades militia in Iraq, on the U.S. terrorism list, linked to the head of the Iranian Quds Corps,Qasim Soleimani.