Shafaq News / A reliable political source on Monday revealed the nominated names for assuming the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives.

The source informed Shafaq News Agency that the official names proposed for the parliament presidency by Sunni factions are Salem Matar Al-Issawi, Shaalan Al-Karim, Abdul Kareem Abtan, and Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani.

Earlier today, the Leadership alliance submitted the names of its candidates to assume the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives.

A statement from the Coordination Framework announced that its Secretary-General, Abbas Al-Ameri, declared the receipt of the candidates for the parliament presidency from the Leadership Alliance.

The Leadership Alliance comprises both Al-Siyadah, led by Khamees Al-Khanjar, and Taqaddum Party, led by the former Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohammed al-Halbousi.

The Supreme Federal Court, the highest judicial authority in Iraq, on Tuesday, the 14th of November, terminated the membership of Parliament Speaker Mohammed Al-Halbousi following a lawsuit filed against him by Member of Parliament Laith Al-Dulaimi, accusing Al-Halbousi of forging Al-Dulaimi's resignation from the parliament membership. Consequently, the Federal Court ruled to terminate the memberships of both Al-Halbousi and Al-Dulaimi.