Shafaq News/ In a message to Congress, the White House has declared the continuation of the national emergency concerning the stabilization of Iraq. This announcement under Section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act highlights the ongoing challenges facing Iraq's reconstruction, peace, and security.

The national emergency initially declared in Executive Order 13303 on May 22, 2003, has been modified and relied upon for additional actions in subsequent executive orders. These include Executive Orders 13290, 13315, 13350, 13364, 13438, and 13668, all contributing to the stabilization efforts in Iraq.

Despite progress made, the White House recognizes that obstacles persist in the orderly reconstruction of Iraq and the development of its political, administrative, and economic institutions. These challenges pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to both the national security and foreign policy of the United States.

By extending the national emergency, the White House emphasizes its commitment to supporting Iraq's stabilization and maintaining peace and security. This decision allows the continuation of necessary measures to address the ongoing threats and ensure the progress made is sustained.

The declaration's extension beyond May 22, 2023, reinforces the administration's determination to confront these challenges and work towards a stable and prosperous Iraq. The United States actively supports Iraq's efforts to achieve long-term stability and self-reliance.

The decision to extend the national emergency underscores the complexity and importance of the situation in Iraq. Moreover, it serves as a reminder of the ongoing commitment to address the region's evolving needs and contribute to a more secure and prosperous future for Iraq and its people.

Earlier, the US ambassador to Baghdad, Alina L. Romanowski, underlined the United States' commitment to Iraq, its strategic importance on the region, and its support for stability and security in Iraq as a means to foster economic growth and international engagement.

In an interview with Sky News Arabia, she stated that the US did not intend to leave the region. Instead, she highlighted the longstanding relations between the two countries in various fields, including politics, economy, culture, and education.

Ambassador Romanowski referred to US President Joe Biden's visit to Saudi Arabia last July, during which he reiterated the region's strategic significance and the US commitment to remaining present.

Regarding the situation in Iraq, Ambassador Romanowski acknowledged the Iraqi people's desire for stability and their opposition to a "state controlled by militias." However, she stressed the importance of disarming and reintegrating militias into the state.

Regardless of the prime minister's relationship with armed groups, she emphasized that the primary goal should be ensuring stability and security in Iraq, a plan entrusted to the prime minister.

The US Ambassador emphasized that Iraq's stability would benefit the United States and the international community as a whole. In addition, peace and security would foster business opportunities and attract more investments, as seen by the thriving presence of US companies and the interest of Iraqi businessmen and women in attracting further investment.