Shafaq News/ The Parliamentary Education Committee said on Friday that the lecturers' contracts will have a retroactive effect to ensure they receive their financial rights.

The rapporteur of the committee, Qusay Al-Yasiri, said in a statement to the official news agency that the Committee is following up with the Ministry of Education the implementation of the Cabinet’s decision regarding granting contracts to free lecturers and the financial allocations of the 2021 budget. 

"Since the fiscal year begins on 1/1 and ends on 31/12, the Committee requested the Ministry of Education concluding a contract with retroactive effect from 1/1/2021 to guarantee the financial rights of the lecturers that were allocated to them in the current year budget."

The Council of Ministers had agreed to grant contracts to unpaid lecturers and administrators at the Ministry of Education, according to the financial cover allocated to them in the 2021 budget.