Shafaq News/ Unknown gunmen reportedly opened fire on pedestrians in the southeast of Baghdad on Wednesday.

A source told Shafaq News Agency that two pedestrians sustained varying in the attack that took place in al-Zaafaraniyah.

Elsewhere, six terrorists were apprehended in al-Anbar governorate, west of Iraq, in the past 24 hours, a senior official said today, Wednesday.

The Chief of al-Anbar's Operations Command, Naser Al-Ghannam, said that Military forces arrested six people wanted for charges of terrorism in different locations in the governorate.

In the same context, a source in al-Anbar's Operations Command revealed to Shafaq News Agency that a security meeting was held earlier today in the governorate to discuss security preparations for Eid el-Fetr.

The meeting decided to deploy security forces on the International Highway in al-Anbar to secure the Washington-led Global Coalition's convoys. Security and health teams will be deployed in the residential areas to disperse gatherings, keep tabs on the citizens' compliance with the preventive measures, and hold the violators accountable.

"The meeting decided that pursuing terrorists will not be halted during the days of Eid el-Fetr," the source said.