Shafaq News/ "Iranian-affiliated militias" launched an attack targeting a US diplomatic facility in Baghdad, the US Embassy in Iraq stated on Friday.

The attack occurred late Tuesday, targeting the US Embassy's logistics center within the airport. A security source told Shafaq News that the strike, which may have involved rockets or mortars, also impacted areas near the headquarters of the Anti-Terrorism Agency.

The embassy spokesperson said in a statement, “On Tuesday, September 10, the Diplomatic Services Compound in Baghdad, a US diplomatic facility, was attacked.”

“Fortunately, no injuries were reported.”

He added, "Evidence indicates the attack was carried out by Iranian-affiliated militias operating freely in Iraq."

"The Iraqi government has consistently pledged to safeguard diplomatic missions and US military personnel present in the country at its invitation," the spokesperson continued, renewing his call for Iraq to "protect US partner personnel, including diplomats, the coalition, and their facilities."

The spokesman concluded, “We affirm our right to self-defense and to protect our personnel anywhere in the world."

On Wednesday, Kata'ib Hezbollah's military spokesperson, Jaafar al-Husseini, condemned the rocket strike on Baghdad International Airport, describing it as "suspicious" and suggesting it was aimed at disrupting the Iranian president's visit to Iraq.