Shafaq News / Joint Plans and project between Saladin Governorate officials and UNDP to rehabilitate Baiji district are taking place.

The Kaimakam of Baiji Saad Al-Khazaal told Shafaq News agency, “The United Nations Development Organization (UNDP) agreed to rehabilitate service projects in Baiji district in coordination with the governorate administration, most related to Baiji asphalt plant, the health centers and others.”

Khazaal stressed that “UNDP will maintain 200 shops in the Al-Siniya of Baiji to overcome the destruction left by ISIS over the past years."

Baiji district, north of Saladin Governorate has a population of about 175,000.

In 2014, ISIS occupied Baji and it is liberated by the security forces and the Popular Mobilization Forces after more than a year of conflicts.