Shafaq News / The UN Security Council issued a statement today, in which it commended the recent Iraqi electoral process.

The statement said, "the members of the Security Council welcomed the Secretary-General's report on Iraq’s electoral process and the assistance of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) to that process, pursuant to resolution 2576 (2021)."

The statement welcomed the positive assessment of the international UNAMI election monitors and congratulated the Government of Iraq and the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) for conducting a technically well-managed and generally peaceful election on 10 October 2021.  

In addition, the Council also welcomed UNAMI and IHEC findings that partial manual recounts of polling stations have matched IHEC’s electronic results-transmission system.

"They (the members) acknowledged the role of UNAMI in supporting the Government of Iraq’s and IHEC’s efforts to plan and execute genuinely free and fair Iraqi-led, Iraqi-owned elections.  They welcomed the efforts of the Government of Iraq, IHEC and UNAMI to promote women’s political participation.  The members of the Security Council commended UNAMI for demonstrating objectivity in its efforts to support Iraq throughout the election process", it added. 

Moreover, the Security Council reiterated their condemnation of both the 7 November 2021 assassination attempt against Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi and the persistent threats of violence against UNAMI, IHEC, and others.  The members of the Security Council deplored the use of violence to settle election-related grievances and urged all political parties to pursue legal and peaceful means to resolve these grievances.  They condemned attempts to discredit the election.

 They noted that UN personnel will continue to monitor any unlawful attempts to undermine the election process. 

The members of the Security Council reiterated the Secretary General’s call to all political parties, candidates and other stakeholders in Iraq to exercise patience and address any outstanding concerns through established legal channels, and to create a post-electoral environment that fosters mutual understanding and national unity through peaceful and constructive dialogue. 

The statement concluded, "the members of the Security Council look forward to the peaceful formation of an inclusive government which would deliver meaningful reforms to address the needs and aspiration of all Iraqis, including women, youth and marginalized communities.  They reiterated their support for the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of Iraq."