Shafaq News/ The Kurdistan Islamic Union and the New Generation Movement announced boycotting the new Iraqi government.

This came in an official statement issued today, following a meeting held by the party's leadership council yesterday evening, supervised by the party leader Hadi Ali, and attended by the Secretary-General of the Kurdistan Islamic Union, Salah al-Din Bahaa al-Din.

The statement added that the Union is satisfied with its presence in the Iraqi parliament through its members who won in the elections, and is not interested in obtaining any ministerial positions.

The statement added that the work of the Union's MPs will focus on securing the entitlements of the people of Kurdistan, in cooperation with representatives of other Kurdish parties that won in the elections.

The head of the New Generation Movement, Shaswar Abdul Wahid, also confirmed earlier that the movement will not participate in the new government.

Preliminary results revealed that the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) topped the election results among the Kurdish parties with 33 seats, while the new generation movement won nine seats. For its part, the Kurdistan Islamic Union won four seats.