Shafaq News / The Turkmen leader, Muhammad Mahdi Al-Bayati, deemed today, Wednesday, the Ministry of State granted the Turkmen component as "miserable" and does not fit its demographic and political entitlements.

Al-Bayati in a statement to Shafaq News agency, "the political forces are trying to satisfy the Turkmen with a "Miserable" ministry of state, whose personnel do not exceed 15 employees. The Turkmen component must have one or two ministries according to political and population entitlements," indicating, "the state ministry granted to a specific political party (the Turkmen Front) without any consensus or agreement among the Turkmen forces."

He pointed out that there are shy efforts to unify Turkmen during the upcoming elections that will change Iraq's course in general; however, "We do not see on the horizon any positive and serious signs of Turkmen unity."

The Iraqi parliament voted, on Tuesday, to grant the Turkmen candidate, Hiyam Nemat Mahmoud Al-Haidari, confidence as a state minister in Mustafa Al-Kadhimi's government.

The Turkmen component was not represented in the governments of Haider al-Abadi (2014-2018) and Adel Abdul Mahdi (2018-2019). Turkmen forces say that previous governments overlooked the national and electoral elections by ignoring Turkmen's representation in the cabinet.