Shafaq News/ A leading Turkmen figure called for seeking legal counseling to push for the realization of the marginalized ethnicity rights in the legislative and executive authorities ahead of the government formation.

In a statement to Shafaq News Agency, Najat Hussein, a leading Turkmen figure in al-Hekmah movement, said, "since 2003, the Turkmen have had many aspirations that are not met until the moment for many reasons."

"We need a solid lawyer in the Iraqi parliament to promote our cause and obtain the rights stripped from us. This way, we can gain the advocate of the Kurdish and Shiite lawmakers."

Hussein called for awarding the Turkmen an "efficient portfolio", rather than "a grade our portfolio as in the former cabinets."

Despite being a key ethnic group in Iraq, the Turkmen have been denied legitimate rights since the founding of the modern Iraqi state. Until the fall of the Baath regime, Turkmen areas of residence were subject to discrimination, Arabization, and systematic neglect.

After initial excitement and hope for the future upon the fall of the Baathists in 2003, Iraqi Turkmen continued to be marginalized by successive governments. The Inadequate representation of Turkmen under Iraq’s political system has also limited the potential for Turkmen to establish a united front.