Shafaq News/ The head of the Turkmen bloc in the Iraqi parliament, Arshad al-Salehi, accused parties he did not name of "stealing" Kirkuk's oil, urging the Iraqi government to boost the governorate's daily share of Gasoline to mitigate the severe shortage.

Speaking in a press conference on Thursday, al-Salehi said that 1,300,000 liters do not suffice the governorate with a population of 1,700,000 amid a growing influx of vehicles from nearby governorates and a 350,000 liters daily cut from its share of enhanced gasoline.

Al-Salehi said that Kirkuk is deprived of gasoil and fuel that operate the private generators as power outages are nearing 16 hours a day.

Al-Salehi said that the people of Kirkuk are growing impatient with the federal government, ministries of oil and fuel electricity for their negligence.

The lawmaker said official documents from the National Security Agency, the Intelligence Agency, and Kirkuk's Judiciary prove that the oil of the governorate is being stolen with the North Gas and Oil companies lending a blind eye.

The head of the Turkmen bloc demanded the federal government to increase the governorate's share of Gasoline to 2,000,000 liters, doubling the share of private generators to 50 liters, and reducing the power fees.