Shafaq News / MP Metin Külünk for the Justice and Development Party, sparked controversy after calling for the establishment of a "Greater Turkey" that includes northern Greece, the eastern Aegean islands, half of Bulgaria, Cyprus, Armenia, and large areas of Georgia, Iraq and Syria.

According to the Greek City Times website, in a series of tweets, Külünk would praise the Seljuk’s victory over the Byzantine Empire at Manzikert in 1071 that allowed the Asiatic Turks to enter Anatolia for the first time in history.

“Turkey has entered the 21st century with big moves with the spirit of 1071, it is progressing by taking big steps. Today, the reason why the western world comes to us again is the reawakening of a nation that was put to sleep after 1938 on July 15 and opening up to Syria, the Mediterranean and Africa with its spirit of 1071,” Külünk said on Twitter.

The website added that by "spirit of 1071", Külünk has effectively admitted that Turkey aims to militarily invade and dominate Syria, the Mediterranean and Africa.