Shafaq News/ A leading figure in the Coordination Framework said that joint committees will sprout from the latter's meeting with the Sadrist movement later tomorrow, Tuesday, in al-Hanana, and a Sadrist politician says that it is contingent upon the agreements reached during the meeting.

Falah al-Khafaji, a leading figure in al-Nasr Coalition, told Shafaq News Agency, "the meeting in al-Hanana tomorrow will give birth to joint committees between the Framework and the Sadrist movement."

"Each committee will be broken down into subcommittees with a special task for each. The purpose of establishing these committees is to expedite resolving the problems and disagreements over the political and electoral issues. These committees will be in charge of the government formation talks."

The leading figure in the Sadrist movement, Issam Hussein, said that the leaders of the Coordination Framework will visit al-Hanana to persuade the Sadrist leader, Muqtada al-Sadr, to concur with them on choosing the next Prime Minister and cabinet line up.

"Forming the joint committees is contingent on the outcomes of the meeting tomorrow," he said.