Shafaq News / Three security members were arrested on Friday for being suspects in the Diyala bridge incident.

A security source told Shafaq News agency that the main suspect is a member of the Police and Facilities Protection Service at the Iraqi Ministry of Interior, noting that the two other suspects work in the same unit.

The Iraqi Ministry of Interior confirmed on Thursday that Minister Othman al-Ghanimi is following up on the Diyala bridge incident, which took place southeast of Baghdad.

Yesterday, Shafaq News agency reported that bodies of unidentified individuals were found inside the state-owned nuclear compound in Baghdad.

The head of the Ministry's media office and the head of the Security media cell, Saad Maen, that the Minister is personally following up on the file, noting that the Iraqi intelligence agency launched an investigation to uncover the circumstances of the incident.

The forensic units have been deployed on the site, according to Maen, indicating that all information about the two bodies will be disclosed after the investigation is finished.