Shafaq News / The State of Law Coalition decided on Friday to appeal the 2021 General Budget Law to the Federal Supreme Court.

The Coalition said in a press release, "we were surprised that many of the budget's articles came in contrast to our endeavors of having a just and fair budget that maintains a minimum level of the demands and the rights of many segments of the Iraqi people. We rejected and boycotted the session for this reason, but we are not content with this. We decided to appeal at the Federal Supreme Court for the provisions they stalled and cut out of the budget despite the pledges we hoped that the Parliamentary Finance Committee, MPs, and our partners in the political process fulfill."

The Coalition wondered about "the reasons that led to the failure to include the unpaid lecturers' dues in the budget law", adding, "We have always stressed that the increase in the dollar's ​​exchange rate was not a deliberate step and caused great damage to the citizens. The economic crisis could not be addressed at the expense of their living conditions."

"We were surprised that the return of those whose contracts had been canceled by the security services and al-Hashd al-Shaabi was not addressed, and it was passed in contradiction to what was agreed upon and promoted by the media, which is unfortunate for the right of a segment that made tremendous sacrifices in defense of the homeland, at a time when the budget was counting the absent ISIS terrorists and considering them martyrs", the statement added. 

The statement explained, "We had hoped the budget would provide opportunities for many graduates and unemployed", pointing out, "despite  many promises, the budget law deprived Basra Governorate of 30,000 job opportunities."

"Successive budgets did not do justice to our Fayli brothers. We still do not find anything that guarantees their rights stolen since the era of the former regime, and we hoped that the current budget would take into account an article regarding the recovery of their seized properties and money, and compensating the families of the martyrs and the victims", it noted.

The statement stressed, "It has become necessary for us in the State of Law coalition to stand firmly and under the constitution, to challenge many of the budget articles, and defend the sacrifices and rights of the Iraqi people."