Shafaq News/ Parties of the Shiite Coordination Framework underestimated the Council of Commissioners' decision to recount the votes manually in seven electoral stations.

A member of the High Electoral Commission (IHEC), Imad Jamil, said in a briefing that the Commission had accepted seven appeals against the election results, adding that "the votes in seven stations will be manually recounted."

Ammar al-Shibli, a former deputy and a leader in the State of Law Coalition, told Shafaq News Agency, "The demands of the Coordination Framework are summarized in the re-sorting and manual counting in all stations and not only in the seven stations."

"We insist on our demands for recounting manually due to the problems that accompanied the performance of the Electoral Commission, which angered our supporters," Al-Shibli added.

He pointed out, "The appeals accomplished by the Commission do not exceed 10% of the total appeals, and we hope to review the rest carefully," noting that the Framework is waiting for the independent report of international observers, which is hoped to be announced in the middle of next month.

Al-Shibli confirmed, "If the UN report denies the violations or cases of fraud, we will accept the results without objection or escalation."

Concerning the UN representative's praise of the elections and the efforts of the Commission, he said, "What concerns us is the final UN report prepared by UN observers who were distributed to polling stations and centers throughout the governorates to observe all polling steps."

Meanwhile; A source in Al-Fateh Alliance confirmed that the peaceful protests would not be canceled even if the IHEC would recount the votes in seven electoral stations distributed over the governorates of Kirkuk, Basra, and Baghdad. 

"Votes in all stations must be recounted under the observation of the UN and candidates."

for his part; A member of the Al-Azm Alliance, Iyad al-Jubouri, considered what the Commission proposed as "an attempt to save its face" due to the "confusion that accompanied its performance in the elections."

He told Shafaq News Agency, "We were counting on the Commission to reconsider the failures or mistakes on the day of the general election."