Shafaq News / A source close to al-Hannana, the Sadrists' headquarters, revealed to Shafaq News agency that the movement has achieved, until now, 80 Parliament art of seats.

The source said, "The Sadrist bloc finished its talks with the parties close to it, which helped the Sadrists obtain 10 more seats."

The source added that the Sadrists will announce, during the first Parliamentary session, forming the largest bloc, after including a seat from Wasit, two from Basra, one from Nineveh, in addition to some independent MPs. These alliances made the Sadrists' number of seats surpass 85, and the tally is subject to rising if the Coordination Framework MPs join them. 

The number will double after the head of Takadum movement (40 seats), and the Kurdistan Democratic Party (31), and other MPs join the Sadrist Bloc, according to the source.

He added that the Sadrists are open to alliances, and welcome all parties wishing to join its bloc, noting that the nominating the new Prime Minister concerns Muqtada al-Sadr only. 

The Sadrist bloc emerged as the clear winner with 73 seats in the 329-seat parliament. Takadum party, one of two main Sunni political groups and led by the speaker of the outgoing parliament Mohammed al-Halboosi, followed with 37 seats. Former prime minister Nouri al-Maliki's State of Law bloc came third with 33 seats.

The Iran-backed al-Fatah Alliance, won only 17 seats, compared with 45 in 2018.

The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) won 31 seats, while the Kurdistan Alliance led by the rival Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) won only 17 seats.