Shafaq News / The Ministry of Electricity announced on Thursday that the supply of gas from Iran has decreased and that the pipelines have been frozen, which has caused the national system to lose 4,000 megawatts.

Ministry spokesman Ahmed Moussa told Shafaq News agency, "The decline in processing hours for electric power is due to the shortage of supplied gas from Iran, as it was reduced from 40 million cubic meters to 10 million cubic meters, which caused the national system to lose about 4 thousand megawatts, in addition to the freezing of some pipelines through which the gas passes in some areas.”

Moussa added, "The lack of gas supplies from Iran returns to the beginning of the winter season in Iran’s area, which makes it in need for gas”, indicating that the problem of the gas shortage was raised yesterday in cabinet meetings, and therefore the prime minister directed the Oil Ministry to provide liquid fuel to fill the shortage in the work of the production stations.”

"A joint operations center has been formed between the Ministry of Electricity and the Ministry of Oil for this purpose, and periodic maintenance is also underway on the pipelines of the gas tanker that have been frozen. There is coordination with the Iranian side in this regard”, he pointed out.

Moussa indicated that restoring the power supplying hours as they were depending on the provision of sufficient liquid fuel and an alternative to gas for the power stations (by the Ministry of Oil), or the return of the quantities of natural gas supplied from Iran.