Shafaq News/ The spiritual master of the Kasnazani way, Shaikh Nehro Abdul Kareem Al-Kasnazani Al-Qadiri Al-Hussaini, lambasted the calls to demolish the shrine of the Sunni theologian and jurist, Imam Abu Hanifa.

Al-Husseini said in a statement today, Sunday, "We have been appalled and haunted by a voice calling for the demolition of the holy shrine to which the hearts of millions of Muslims jones: the shrine of Imam Abu Hanifa al-Numan."

"The Prophet's Ahl al-Bayt (Family) is the tent that brings you together, and Abu Hanifa al-Numan only ladled from the sea of their abundant knowledge. Is there a certainty greater than Abu Hanifa's? the man who admittedly acknowledged the Imam Muhammad Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq 'Had it not been for the two years, al-Numan would have perished' after two years of his company?"

Security forces were heavily deployed in al-Adhamiyah area in the north of the city of Baghdad to secure the shrine of the "Imam Abu Hanifa" amid protesting calls to demolish it.

A source told Shafaq News Agency that forces riot police were deployed heavily in the vicinity of the Shire of Imam Abu Hanifa after the emergency of calls inciting to destroy it.

"Those calls emerged yesterday," the source said, "Intel reveals that this is the same group that previously called for removing the statue of the Abbaside Califate Abu Jaafar al-Mansour under the slogan no room for Ahl al-Bayt enemies."

Over the past two days, Iraqi security forces reportedly foiled two attempts to vandalize the statue of Abu Jaafar al-Mansour in al-Mansour area in Baghdad.

Those calls were sponsored by unidentified people on social media. However, they were refused by most Iraqis.