Shafaq News / A group of factions calling themselves the "Iraqi resistance" threatened on Saturday to attack the U.S. forces in Iraq for violating the parliament’s decision.

the “Iraqi Resistance Coordination Commission “said in a statement, “After several mediation by some Iraqi politicians, the Resistance has given more than one opportunity to the Iraqi government that is conducting negotiations with the American side regarding the fate of the foreign forces, but the results of two rounds - especially the farce of the second round - was very bad and unfortunate.”

It added, "What makes matters worse is that the US military officials have stated that there is no schedule for withdrawing their forces, and the current government did not deny this.”

 The Resistance said this government is not sincere." It is neither qualified nor able to fulfill the will of the Iraqi people by expelling the occupation forces from their land, preserving their sovereignty, and defending their constitution.”

It pointed out that "the two rounds of negotiations with the American side are totally and completely unacceptable. Therefore, we affirm that the free sons of Iraq are the ones who have the right to release the supreme word, in a manner that guarantees the priority of achieving the interests of Iraqis and their security."

"The continued presence of the American occupation forces is a continuous violation of the Iraqi constitution. It is a lack of respect for the will of millions of people in this country, and a clear violation of the decision of the Iraqi parliament."

"The American administration, by refusing the exit of its forces, has sent us a clear message that they only understand the language of force. Therefore, the Iraqi resistance confirms its full readiness to perform its legitimate, national, and legal duty, to achieve this goal." The Statement said.

It concluded, "The jihadist resistance operations are continuing; rather, they will take an upward turn against the occupation, forcing them to leave, and defeated as they were defeated before."