Shafaq News / The FAO representative in Iraq, Safia al-Suhail, called on the international organization to implement its plans in the interests of Iraq and coordinate with the delegation's diplomatic staff and enhance its technical information.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that Al-Suhail and the Vice President of the Near East Group held two virtual meetings with the deputy regional director of the organization in Cairo, Sergei Nakouzi, and the director of the organization's office in Baghdad, Salah Hajj Hassan, and discussed joint coordination with regional and national offices.

The ministry indicated that the purpose of the two meetings is to implement the organization's future plans in a way that serves the interests of Iraq, in addition to the delegation's desire to learn about the implemented projects and future plans, to build effective mechanisms for cooperation and enhance its technical information.

It is noteworthy that the organization implements many programs and projects in Iraq in cooperation with the relevant ministries, including planning, agriculture, water resources, health, environment, and local administrations, and among these projects is "Improving Agricultural Water Resources Management, Sustainable Land Management" (PPG).