Shafaq News / The head of the Arab Parliament heaped praise, on Monday the Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi for visiting Saudi Arabia and the Emirates, considering this step a way to build-up “the Arab incubator for Iraq.”

A statement by the Media Office of the Parliament, the head Adel bin Abdul Rahman Al-Asoumi called Al-Kadhimi to conduct visits to all Arab countries as they represent "an important step to emphasize the Iraq as an Arabic country."

Al-Asoumi valued the memorandum of understandings and agreements reached during this visits, stressing that the “relations of the Republic of Iraq with the Arab countries represent an important pillar to support the security and stability of Iraq, and it also comes at an important time that requires strengthening Arab coordination and solidarity at all levels, and confronting regional interference in internal Arab affairs. “

The Head of the Arab Parliament called on all Arab countries to "develop their official and popular relations with the Republic of Iraq at various levels."

In the past week, Al-Kadhimi conducted official visits to Saudi Arabia to the United Arab of Emirates, to strengthen bilateral relations and to discuss the joint cooperation to developing relations to achieve common interests.