Shafaq News / A source in the Parliamentary Finance Committee denied news that the 2021 budget for 2021 has been returned to the cabinet, noting that a parliamentary agreement has been reached to vote on the budget next week.

The source told Shafaq News agency, "there is an almost achieved agreement with the Kurdistan Region on the disputed paragraphs of the budget."

Earlier today, the Kurdistan Democratic party's Bloc announced that a "preliminary agreement" had been reached to settle the region's share in the general budget law.

MP of the party, Mayada al-Najjar, told Shafaq News agency, " the Kurdistan Region's share in the General Budget Law is 12.67%", noting that this percentage represents salaries for employees, Peshmerga forces, political prisoners, social care and ministerial expenditures."

Last December, Baghdad, and Erbil reached an agreement on the financial budget, stipulating that the region should hand over 250 thousand barrels of oil per day, and half of the border crossings revenues (and other non-oil revenues) to the federal government, in exchange for a share in the budget of 12.6%.