Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Supreme Judicial Council on Tuesday lambasted the "unpeaceful deeds" towards the chief of Dhi Qar's Court.

A statement of the Council said that a group of demonstrators gathered at the front gates of Dhi Qar Court of Appeal and demanded to meet the Chief of the Court. However, after the judge received them in his office, some of them went beyond the "peaceful approach" and "did and said what people with legitimate demands do not do."

"Judiciary is a civil institution with a duty to enforce the law in the light of facts and evidence. If the Judiciary's rulings are not satisfactory, they can be challenged in accordance with the law at the bodies specified by the law. The security forces' mission is not a prerogative of the Judiciary rather than the executive authority that collects evidence and track the suspects."

" Investigation and trial procedures are subject to the judges’ assessment pursuant to law and not the assessment of the involved parties and their assessment to what is presented to the Judiciary."

The Council condemned the incident that took place in the court today and instructed the investigation and security authorities to commence legal proceedings against whoever committed these uncivilized deeds, calling the security authorities to fulfill their role in protecting the state institutions and ending these alien perpetrations.

Shafaq News Agency obtained earlier today footage of a meeting between the chief of Dhi Qar's Court of Appeal and the families of the demonstrations' victims who gathered near the court headquarters. Angry Demonstrators accused the chief of the court of receiving orders from political parties.

Judges and employees in the Federal Court of Appeal organized a demonstration to protest the incident that took place earlier today.

Sources told Shafaq News Agency that the court employees will resume the working hours tomorrow, Wednesday, without providing services to the citizens.