Shafaq News / The State of Law coalition said on Thursday that the Emergency law on food security and development cannot be implemented unless a new government is formed.

The coalition said in a statement that although the law aims to support low-income families, the Federal Supreme Court decided to consider it unconstitutional, and its decision must be respected.

The statement added that the coalition proposed resorting to other constitutional means, but the Parliament Presidium did not adhere to FSC's decision, which is a "violation" of the principle of separation of powers.

"The law is nothing but ink on paper" until a new government is formed, the coalition noted.

The statement indicated that it had two options: approving the bill that includes many "disadvantages" and waste of public money, or amend it in a way that serves the Iraqi people and does not oppose to FSC decision.

It added that meeting the people's demands can only be achieved through implementing the financial management law, pointing out that it is not acceptable to insist on violating the FSC decision.