Shafaq News/ On Saturday, the Iraqi political parties were nearing an agreement on selecting the new parliament Speaker.

Political sources told Shafaq News Agency that discussions took place in recent hours among various political parties, leading to an agreement to limit nominations to three individuals—Salem Al-Issawi, Mahmoud Al-Mashhadani, and Shaalan Al-Karim.

The sources stated, "There is nearly an agreement to choose one of these figures to lead the Parliament. The candidate with the least votes in the first round will concede to the candidate with the highest in the second round. The decision will then be in the hands of the representatives and the directives of the leaders of the political blocs."

In November 2023, the Iraqi Parliament officially terminated the membership of Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi based on the decision of the Federal Supreme Court. This decision followed a lawsuit against Al-Halbousi by Representative Laith Al-Dulaimi, accusing him of forging Al-Dulaimi's resignation from the House of Representatives. Consequently, the Federal Court ruled to terminate the membership of both Al-Halbousi and Al-Dulaimi.