Shafaq News / A reliable security source in the Dhi Qar oil company, revealed the reason behind Weatherford company's "withdrawal" from the oil field it was operating in.

The source told Shafaq News agency that the company did not officially withdraw from the oil field, even following yesterday's events during which an engineer working in the Iraqi Drilling Company (IDC) was killed.

The company suspended its work for a few days only, and will resume it after the protest wave in the vicinity of the oil field calms down.

Yesterday, an engineer was reportedly killed in an armed attack on the headquarters of the South Drilling Company.

A source told Shafaq News Agency that the victim, an engineer in his fifties, works at a gas pipeline construction site in the northwest of Nasiriyah, Dhi Qar's capital city.

"A security force cordoned the site and transferred the body of the victim to the forensic medicine department. Another force pursued and arrested the perpetrator," the source said, "the motives of the crime are unknown."