Shafaq News / MP Riyad Al-Masoudi accused parties with political agendas of being behind the assassinations and demonstrations in Karbala stressing that this to be recurred in other governorates.

"The demonstrations that began in October 2019 were the result of previous accumulations (of corruption, unemployment..), but they were organized by political forces, therefore an opposite movement was formed against them." Al-Masoudi told Shafaq News Agency on Monday.

On the assassination of the civil society activist Ihab Al-Wazni, Al-Masoudi pointed out that "the assassinations operations are not new in Karbala, but rather, there are a result of the turbulent conditions in Iraq," stressing that the government is the specialized authority that should determine aspects of failure.

He pointed out that "targeting airports, diplomatic missions, journalists and activists have political motives and agendas to disrupt the political, economic and security situation in the country."

"The aim of all this is to create chaos in Iraq and embarrass the government in front of the other countries and diplomatic missions, and to show Iraq as a torn country ruled by dictatorship and not by a democratic system, as well to try fueling the conflict in Shiite regions," Al-Masoudi added.

Yesterday, two unidentified men riding a motorcycle shot down al-Wazni in front of his home on the street of al-Haddad in Karbala.

Ihab al-Wazni, the Responsible for the Coordination of the protests in Karbala, is known in most circles of opposing corruption and mismanagement and calling for the limitation of Iran's influence and armed groups around Iraq.

Following the killing of al-Wazni, demonstrations took the streets of Karbala, Nasiriya, and al-Diwaniyah in southern Iraq.