Shafaq News/ The Federal Intelligence and Investigations Agency of the Ministry of Interior arrested two ISIS terrorists in Kirkuk. 

In a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, the agency said, "upon the security checks of the displaced persons' camps, the Intelligence Agency's detachments represented by the Federal Police Intelligence Directorate at the Ministry of Interior arrested two terrorists in Laylan IDP camp in Kirkuk.

The two defendants were wanted in accordance with the provisions of Article (4 / terrorism)for their affiliation to ISIS terrorist gangs in al-Qadissiyah sector, where they worked as company commanders. Besides, one of the defendants worked in the so-called Islamic police in Nineveh and Kirkuk sectors.

The other worked in the Tigris and Kirkuk sectors and has two siblings actively involved with ISIS in the so-called Kirkuk sector."

The statement added that the two defendants were placed in custody to continue the investigations and press legal charges against them.