Shafaq News/ Iraqi security forces located the site from which the rockets targeting the Baghdad International Airport were launched, a source revealed.

The source told Shafaq News Agency that specialists said that the rockets were launched from the vicinity of Abu Ghraib sub-district, north to the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

On April 23, a document of the Military Intelligence obtained by Shafaq News Agency showed that "outlaw groups" has marked 15 sites, including the Abu Ghraib sub-district, from which it will launch rocket attacks against the Green Zone and Baghdad International Airport.

The Security Media Cell (SMC) confirmed the attack that targeted the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport earlier today, Sunday.

A statement of SMC said, "two Katyusha rockets landed this evening near the Baghdad International Airport."

The competent security forces successfully intercepted and detonated a rocket in the air before its landing near the airport as well, according to the statement.

SMC said that the attack resulted in no casualties.

Earlier today, a source revealed to Shafaq News Agency that the US C-RAM defense system thwarted a rocket attack targeting the US forces airbase located inside the Baghdad International Airport.

Observers believe that Iran-backed Iraqi factions orchestrated similar attacks against the US embassy in Baghdad and the US-led Coalition bases.

The frequency of those attacks increased drastically since the assassination of the Commander of Quds force, Major-General Qassem Soleimani, and the Deputy Head of al-Hashd al-Shaabi Commission, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.