Shafaq News/ Saudi Arabia's Minister of Pilgrimage (Hajj and Umrah), Tawfiq al-Rabi'a, on Thursday arrived in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, flanked by a high-level government delegation.

Upon his disembarkment on the tarmacs of Baghdad's international airport, he was welcomed by the head of Iraq's commission of pilgrimage, Sami al-Masoudi.

This is the second visit of a Saudi officeholder to Iraq this month. On February 2nd, Saudi Arabia's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Faisal bin Farhan, arrived in Baghdad on an official visit, where he held a series of meetings with the heads of the state and other senior officers.

In mid-January, the Saudi ministry of pilgrimage increased Iraq's Hajj quota from 36,000 to 42,500 persons annually.