Shafaq News / Saladin authorities demanded the Ministry of Defense and Interior to address security gaps and lax areas east of the governorate, and protect a strategic oil pipeline from ISIS threats. 

A member of the Parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, Jassim al-Jabara, told Shafaq News agency, "There are lax security areas that extend from al-Fatha sector, east of the governorate, to the Hamrin hills, with an area of ​​16 km2, and witness significant activity by ISIS terrorists."

"ISIS terrorists and detachments, who are very few, blow up wells and agricultural sprinklers, and kill citizens to force them to cooperate with them and not with the security and intelligence services", he added.

The representative demanded the Ministry of Defense to protect the oil pipeline that goes from Ajeel fields east of Saladin to northern refineries and Mulla Abdullah's gas power plant. 

Al-Jabara indicated that he previously called on the commander of the Counter-Terrorism Service to secure the strategic sector and carry out airstrikes, pointing out that there are collaborators, contacts, and transport of foodstuffs that the security services must uncover and refer to the judiciary. 

The regions of Saladin are subjected to many security incidents and attacks due to the presence of ISIS terrorists in the rugged areas surrounding the administrative units and the governorate's borders with Diyala, Kirkuk, Nineveh, and al-Anbar.