Shafaq News/ The Sadiqoun Parliamentary Bloc, linked to the Asaib Ahl al-Haq movement led by Qais Khazali, expressed apprehension over reports of the alleged arrival of 2,500 American soldiers within Iraqi borders.

The group contends that this development violates Iraqi sovereignty and the existing strategic security accord between Baghdad and Washington.

Hassan Salem, a spokesperson for the Sadiqoun Bloc, informed Shafaq News agency that the American soldiers have purportedly taken up positions at the Ain al-Assad air base. Salem noted that it remains uncertain whether this troop movement occurred with or without the knowledge of the Iraqi government.

Salem underscored that Iraq had previously conveyed to the United States that combat forces "are unnecessary" within its territory. He emphasized that any foreign military presence should be limited to roles focused on training and advisory capacities.

Yesterday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani, who also serves as the Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief, restated Iraq's position that foreign combat forces are not presently required within the country. He indicated that Iraq is actively engaged in ongoing dialogues to shape the future nature of its relationship and collaboration with the Global Coalition.

The United States has maintained involvement in Iraq for over two decades. The initial invasion in 2003, justified by the George W. Bush administration as a response to perceived weapons of mass destruction development, led to the subsequent occupation and a protracted conflict destabilizing the nation.

The aftermath created conditions conducive to the rise of terrorist entities like ISIS. While no weapons of mass destruction were ultimately found, the conflict's repercussions were substantial.

Following the withdrawal of U.S. troops in 2011, they returned in 2014 to aid in the fight against ISIS.

After discussions with U.S. President Joe Biden in Washington, former Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi later announced that Iraq no longer requires international combat forces. Al-Kadhimi declared that Iraqi security forces are now sufficiently equipped to safeguard the nation against external threats. He also highlighted that international combat forces have generated tensions and resentment among the Iraqi populace.

At the time, Biden conveyed respect for the Iraqi government's decision.

Currently, the United States maintains a limited military presence in Iraq while continuing to offer military assistance and training to the Iraqi government. Diplomatic ties persist, and the two nations uphold a strategic partnership.