Shafaq News/ On Tuesday, security sources said seven ISIS elements were killed during "revenge for martyrs of Al-Azim" operations.

A source told Shafaq News Agency," a joint force killed five ISIS elements while trying to escape from their dens in the areas of Hawi al-Azim between Diyala and Saladin."

In the same context, the commander of the Fifth Division in the Federal Police, Maj. Gen. Haider Al-Matwari said that the security forces killed an ISIS leader in Wadi Abu Shahma within the Al-Rashad district and another element in Wadi Al-Shay.

Eleven Iraqi soldiers were killed on Friday when ISIS militants attacked their base in Diyala Governorate.

The terrorist organization claimed responsibility for the attack in Diyala on its affiliated Telegram channels.

The border areas among Kirkuk, Diyala, and Saladin are considered the most dangerous hotbeds of ISIS; It is called the "Emirate of Evil," where the terrorists continue to carry out attacks in Iraq and Syria.

It is worth noting that the Islamic State had controlled vast areas of Syria and Iraq until it was driven from the territory in 2017-19 by adversaries, including a U.S.-led coalition, the SDF, and Iraqi security forces.