Shafaq News/ Residents of Yathrib district, south of Saladin, criticized today the delay in implementing security measures to secure the area from terrorist attacks and security breaches.

Munir al-Hashmawi, a resident of the district, told Shafaq News Agency that despite the recurrence of terrorist attacks, the latest of which was last month and left more than 30 casualties, the security authorities' promises are gone with the wind, and concern still prevails in the district.

He added, "The security leaders promised military reinforcements in the vicinity of the district to prevent the recurrence of bloody massacres and night attacks, but the promises were only a media show off, and the district is still a target for the hidden terrorist groups."

For his part, the security expert, Munir al-Azzawi, ruled out the arrival of additional reinforcements to the district in light of the presence of formations from the police, al-Hashd al-Shaabi, and the Tribal mobilization forces.

Al-Azzawi told Shafaq News Agency, "The security authorities are preoccupied with plans to secure the elections and redeploy the security units in villages and hotspots until the elections are over," noting, "all Saladin areas are continuously witnessing day and night attacks."

The director of Yathrib district, Harith Abdul Nabi, told Shafaq News Agency, "The decision to enhance the security units in Yathrib belongs to the security leaders in the governorate, who are the most knowledgeable about the security file. We are waiting for their decision."

However, a source in Samarra operations command confirmed to Shafaq News Agency, that the police, al-Hashd al-Shaabi, and the Tribal mobilization forces are deployed in Yathrib and can manage the security file, noting, "perform are performing their duties perfectly."

"Sending and moving security units falls within the powers of joint operations command, which is the concerned party in this matter."