Shafaq News / In an interview with "Al-Masry Al-Youm" newspaper, Iraqi President Abdel Latif Jamal Rashid downplayed the influence of unresolved issues and disputes between Erbil and Baghdad, describing the current relationship between them as "good" and expressing his belief that these disputes can be resolved.

Rashid stated that transitioning from a dictatorial and totalitarian regime to democracy and freedom is a challenging process within any society. He emphasized that prior to 2003, Iraq suffered from the effects of dictatorship and totalitarian rule, which led to the disintegration of society and the severing of relations with the outside world.

He further stated that wars do not solve problems; they complicate them and create new issues. In this regard, he highlighted that the priority in recent years has been to eradicate terrorism.

The President clarified that terrorism and extremism are not just issues for a single country; they are problems faced by the region and the world as a whole.

Rashid explained that current efforts, after the defeat of terrorism, focus on implementing a program that includes serving citizens through infrastructure development, providing services, expanding freedoms, combating poverty, improving living standards, enhancing social security, and eliminating unemployment by promoting the private sector and encouraging investment in the country. He also mentioned the discussion and examination of an oil and gas law, which will be instrumental in resolving most existing problems.

Regarding the water crisis, President Abdel Latif Jamal Rashid affirmed that Iraq is a downstream country, as it relies on the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and their tributaries. Most of these tributaries are linked to Iran, and it is essential for both Turkey and Iran to consider Iraq's water situation.

He also noted that the relationship between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government is good, and the differences are more about different perspectives rather than disputes. Most of the outstanding issues between the two sides can find solutions.

President Rashid spoke about the cultural convergence between peoples, emphasizing the strong and longstanding cultural and social ties between the Arab and Kurdish peoples. He expressed the importance of enhancing cultural exchange, noting that many Kurdish leaders and figures have had a strong Arab cultural background in terms of language, literature, and poetry.

He expressed his support for Iranian-Saudi dialogue, hoping that this rapprochement and dialogue would be the key factor in stabilizing security in the region as a whole. He also discussed the robust relations with Egypt and his meeting with President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi.