Shafaq News / Iraq's President Abdullatif Rasheed, stressed on Monday the seriousness of the Iraqi government in dealing with water policy.

“The most prominent challenge that we face in Iraq is the water file," said Rashid in a speech during the Climate Summit held in Egypt.

Rasheed added, “Mesopotamia suffers from water scarcity and the climate conference is an important sign."

He explained that the crises in Iraq have multiplied due to poor rainfall as the increasing drought in Iraq poses a ‘serious challenge’.

"We hope for cooperation in the water file with neighboring countries. The water crisis in Iraq has forced the authorities to reduce agricultural areas," he expressed.

President Rashid pointed out that "the problem of water scarcity increases the phenomenon of desertification in Iraq as it threatens 40% of Iraq's area."

"Iraq is one of the countries mostly affected by global warming," he noted, adding "the Iraqi government is serious about dealing with water policy."

The President stressed the importance of exchanging experiences between countries on climate change and that Iraq will work to expand green spaces.