Shafaq News/ The President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzan, received the US Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for the Middle East, Dana Stroul, on the top of a high-profile diplomatic and military delegation earlier today, Wednesday.

According to a readout issued by the region's presidency, the delegation included the outgoing US ambassador to Iraq, Matthew Tueller, and the US Deputy Director for Politico-Military Affairs (Middle East) of the Joint Staff, Matthew Trollinger, among other senior military and diplomatic officers.

Stroul reiterated her country's commitment to sustain the political and military support to Iraq and the Kurdistan region, commending the sacrifices of the Peshmerga forces.

The President of the region expressed gratitude for the support and aid the US and the Global Coalition have offered to Iraq and Kurdistan in the battle against terrorism, the readout said.

The meeting, the readout said, called on the different Iraqi communities to take the necessary steps to overcome the political deadlock and form a government that is capable of meeting the aspirations of the people and coping with the challenges.

The meeting touched upon the movements of ISIS militants in Iraq and Syria, stressing the need to boost the cooperation between the Iraqi army and the Peshmerga forces to curb these movements and eradicate the remnants of the terrorist organization.