Shafaq News/ On Tuesday, Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani received the President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, who arrived earlier today to meet Iraqi officials.

Upon arriving, President Barzani met with Chief Justice Jasim Mohammed al-Ameri and Iraq's Supreme Judicial Council Chairman Faiq Zaidan.

According to Dilshad Shehab, the spokesperson for the Kurdistan Region Presidency, Barzani will discuss relations and issues of mutual interest with Al-Sudani Erbil-Baghdad.

Barzani's visit follows a previous trip to Baghdad in late April, during which he met with President Abdul Latif Rashid, Prime Minister al-Sudani, and other Iraqi officials and political leaders. He also attended a meeting of Iraq's State Administration Coalition.

A week after his visit, the Kurdish President headed to Iran, where he met top officials, including President Ebrahim Raisi and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The visit was described as positive and opened a new chapter in relations.

Observers noted that the visit to Tehran might positively impact resolving the outstanding issues between the Kurdish and federal governments, given that pro-Iranian political forces hold a parliamentary majority and occupy most government positions.