Shafaq News/ The President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, congratulated the new Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani, for approving the new cabinet.

Barzani hoped that this "promising step would be the beginning to end the suffering of Iraqis and a new start for resolving problems and crises, economic growth, developing services, stability, and security."

The Kurdish president announced that Kurdistan Region supports the new government. "We reiterate our readiness to resolve all issues between the Kurdistan Region and Baghdad through dialogue and within the framework of the constitution."

On Thursday, the Iraqi parliament voted by an absolute majority for the ministerial program and cabinet of Al-Sudani.

In his government agenda submitted earlier to parliament, Al Sudani said he was forming "a coalition government based on the national partnership principle."

The Prime Minister "promised" the Iraqis to exert "all possible efforts to succeed in addressing the challenges."