Shafaq News/ On Wednesday, the President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, said Kurdistan would spare no effort to ensure the success of the new federal government.

Speaking at the MERI Forum, held in Erbil, President Barzani pointed out that the Region seeks to succeed Muhammad Shia'a Al-Sudani's government, stressing that the stability of Iraq and Kurdistan are much related.

"If we can resolve the differences, Iraq will be in a good position."

The Kurdish President said Al-Sudani "deserves support and opportunity to find solutions to the problems in Iraq."

"He (Al-Sudani) is backed by Shiite, Kurdish, and Sunni parties, unlike Mustafa Al-Kadhimi… So we are waiting for solutions from him as he holds a great responsibility." Barzani added.

On the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil, including Article 140 of the constitution, Sinjar district, and the share of the federal budget, Barzani pointed out that solving these issues is essential for an "economically and politically stable Iraq."

He called the Sadrist Movement, headed by Muqtada Al-Sadr, to participate in this government because supporting it is "a duty for all of us."

In contrast, Barzani called the government to spare no efforts to join the Sadrist.

"since 2003, we have been an essential part in the formation of Iraqi governments, and we have sent the Peshmerga forces to maintain security and stability in Baghdad."

Concerning the "democratic process" in Iraq, President Barzani said that compared to before 2003 (during Saddam Hussein's regime,) "we achieved many gains but without meeting our ambition."

On the oil file, President Barzani stressed that Kurdistan does not want to "violate sovereignty in Iraq… But the oil issue is always linked to sovereignty…oil cannot achieve independence for the Kurdistan Region. Oil can only bring prosperity to the people."

Regarding the Iranian and Turkish bombardment of Kurdistan, Barzani called on the new federal government to take these attacks "seriously." As "it did nothing in this regard so far."

The Kurdish President suggested forming a joint committee to investigate these attacks since they represent a "violation of the sovereignty of Kurdistan."