Shafaq News/ The Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) announced on Monday that they had secured the Al-Waqf Basin region, the most significant security basin northeast of Baquba, ending security breaches and incidents that had spanned over 15 years.

The PMF leader, Muhammad Salam al-Tamimi, told Shafaq News Agency that the success of the fortifications and deployment plans that began at the beginning of this year was part of an integrated plan under the supervision of the security ministries to secure the hot spots basin between the districts of Al-Abara and Abi Saida, 25 km northeast of Baquba.

The fortification included more than 20 villages and over 30,000 dunams of agricultural land and orchards, with plans including the deployment of combat forces, the closure of security gaps, and the opening of safe passages of farm villages. He explained.

The Waqf Basin, including Al-Abbara, Abi Saida, and their villages, has been the site of attacks and security incidents, including those by ISIS, clan conflicts, and organized crimes, which have occurred for several years due to its rugged geographical nature and vast area.