Shafaq News/ Former Governor of Nineveh and leading member of the Muttahidoun (united) Party Atheel al-Nujaifi criticized Al-Siyada Alliance led by Khamis al-Khanjar for what he described as "concessions" made at the expense of Nineveh to gain political advantages in Kirkuk, calling it a "mistake against Nineveh."

In a statement to Shafaq News Agency, al-Nujaifi noted that "previous negotiations showed a sudden shift in al-Siyada Alliance’s stance regarding the position of the Second Deputy Governor of Nineveh, which later went to the Babylon Bloc."

He added that "the concessions made by al-Siyada in Nineveh to secure gains in Kirkuk are wrong and need to be rectified and prevented from recurring in the future."

Al-Nujaifi emphasized that the main problem facing Nineveh is the "absence of a general political leadership capable of managing the political blocs, coupled with the weak role and voice of Nineveh’s representatives within these political blocs."

Regarding the current disputes in the Nineveh Council and the disruption of its work following the election and appointment of administrative unit heads, al-Nujaifi stated that "the Council’s leadership bears responsibility for this," adding that "the leadership should take its role in resolving the current disagreement and ensure that no party in Nineveh is marginalized as has happened in this issue."

He pointed out that "the local government in Nineveh after 2009, during his tenure as governor, worked to end the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s (KDP) boycott and reintegrate it into the Provincial Council."

Al-Nujaifi affirmed that "the previous term of the Provincial Council was the worst ever," but noted that "the current term has the potential to correct administrative and political work in the governorate."

He added, "Reclaiming Nineveh's political role in Iraq and empowering the majority of its population depends on having a political leadership that represents the majority of the governorate's residents." He highlighted that "the absence of political leadership and the weak representation of Nineveh in current political forces are the primary reasons for the marginalization of the governorate, especially its center, Mosul."

Al-Nujaifi also mentioned that "the rise of minorities in Nineveh and their ability to control the political scene is due to the majority's abandonment of political leadership, which has led these minorities to fill the vacuum and take charge of political work."

Nadia al-Jabouri's Withdrawal from al-Siyada

On Sunday, Nadia al-Jabouri, a leader in al-Siyada Party announced her withdrawal from the party due to its involvement in deals she claimed were "at Nineveh’s expense."

A document issued by the Iraqi Ministry of Trade earlier revealed an order to remove "Nadia Nasser al-Jabouri" from her position as the director of Nineveh's food rationing branch, replacing her with "Sultan Yousif Saleh".

Nadia al-Jabouri declared her withdrawal from al-Siyada due to its "condemnable stance towards Nineveh and its concessions regarding the governorate’s entitlements for other deals in Kirkuk."

She explained that her withdrawal aligns with the rights of Nineveh, stating that she would "stand with the people of Nineveh to select a list that meets the aspirations of the governorate’s residents."

Controversy Over Political Deals

Earlier, members of al-Siyada demanded the party’s leadership clarify its stance on statements regarding the rights of Nineveh's residents.

A statement from the party members in Nineveh condemned the statements made by the party's spokesperson about concessions involving Nineveh's rights in exchange for gains in Kirkuk, urging the leadership to clarify its position urgently. They warned that failure to respond would result in their withdrawal and continued work as independents in the Provincial Council.

Abdullah al-Nujaifi, a member of Nineveh’s Provincial Council, affirmed that the deal in Kirkuk to form its local government was at Nineveh’s expense. He stated that the political bargains being made by the political forces were detrimental to Nineveh and its rights.

He told Shafaq News Agency that "what happened in Kirkuk confirms that political deals are being made at the expense of Nineveh and its people, which is unacceptable."

He added that "it is unfortunate to see agreements being made at the expense of Nineveh, which has suffered from wars and destruction without finding anyone to console or support it during its ordeal."

Al-Nujaifi asserted that the marginalization of Nineveh is due to agreements made by political forces away from its residents and legitimate leadership. He emphasized that he and other representatives of Nineveh would not remain idle in the face of this deliberate marginalization.

Recent Developments in Baghdad

On August 10, a decisive meeting was held in Baghdad to resolve the administrative crisis in Kirkuk by selecting a Provincial Council Chairman and a Governor after an eight-month deadlock.

A source informed Shafaq News Agency that the meeting took place at Al-Rashid Hotel in the Green Zone, attended by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), Arabs, and a Christian representative from Kirkuk’s Provincial Council.

The source noted that some Arab members of Kirkuk’s Provincial Council initially boycotted the meeting, but Ibrahim al-Hafiz, Raad Saleh, and Dhaher al-Asi later joined the discussions at Al-Rashid Hotel.