Shafaq News / Independent MP Hadi Al-Salami revealed on Wednesday that he had submitted a request to the Parliament presidency to interrogate the Minister of Trade over suspicions of corruption, mismanagement of public funds, and the food basket file.

Al-Salami told Shafaq News Agency, "We have completed all necessary procedures to interrogate the Minister of Trade, Atheer Al-Ghurairi, and referred the request to the Parliament interrogation committee, supported by over 50 signatures. Now, we await Acting Parliament Speaker Mohsen Al-Mandalawi to schedule the interrogation session."

He added, "The interrogation of the Trade Minister relates to numerous violations, suspicions of corruption, mismanagement of public funds, and the food basket file. Our discussion is within the bounds of the law and protected during the parliamentary session held today, February 14th. We await the procedures of the parliament presidency to schedule the interrogation session."

It is noteworthy that financial corruption remains a significant challenge in Iraq, with Transparency International ranking the country 154 out of 180 in the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI).

The country also ranked fourth as the most corrupt in the Arab World after Syria, Yemen, Sudan, and Libya.

Various forms of corruption, including bribery, embezzlement, nepotism, and influence peddling, have a detrimental impact on the Iraqi economy, leading to a lack of basic services, increased poverty, and political instability.

After assuming his position, PM Al-Sudani pledged to "combat corruption" in the government institutions; so far, many officials have been referred to the judiciary but still, many others are protected by political and sectarian parties.